Saturday, September 19, 2015

DENTAL IMPLANTS FOR THE CLUELESS - Procedures, Prices, Options, Best Dentists for the job -

Clueless about dental implants, mini implants or 4 on 1? You are not alone.

Dr. Cristina Terrado of Certified Dentists Internationale’  writes about dental implants, procedures, dental implant prices & quality comparing US, Mexico & Asia dentists.

First, Implant surgery is done in a dental clinic. But not by just any dentist.. A specialist dentist usually an orthodontist, oral surgeon or prosthodontist are licensed to perform this procedure. Now practice saying orthodontist and prosthodontist so you can say those words clearly - not like when your gums and tongue are full of novacaine.

Most know the orthodontist as the dentist who sets braces. A prosthodontist is not as commonly known. This specialist treats a variety of oral issues including cosmetic, maxillofacial, replacement of missing teeth and temporomandibular(tmj) disorder (try to say that one!). They all have to study 3-4 more years beyond basic dental college.

The best dental implants are made of aircraft quality titanium metal screws, an abutment and porcelain or ceramic crown. The finished result will look like and can function like real teeth. You can go back to eating apples, carrots, steaks and more with your implants. But to preserve your investment - treat them as they were your natural teeth - don’t crush ice, crack nuts or open bottle caps with them.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

WE BOUGHT DENTURES FROM THE DEAD! Dark secrets your dentist won't tell you. By Dr. Christina Terrado

The story of dentures and dental implants is not for the delicate..

Here's the unsavory origins those awful contraptions called dentures, the miracle of dental implants, and mini implants.

Ever wonder who invented dentures? The pre-Roman Etruscans of Northern Italy made dentures out of human or animal teeth. George Washington, one of the more famous denture wearers wore one made of hippopotamus ivory implanted in a wooden prosthesis. These first dentures were very uncomfortable and disfigured his face.

The popularity of the use of sugar in the 18 and 19th century created a rise in the number of dentists. And the demand for replacement of the public's rotten teeth. Animal teeth tended to discolor some turning yellow or brown, others blue and would rot over time.

Waterloo teeth were teeth snatched from dead soldiers from the  Napoleonic, Crimean and American Civil Wars. Although these dentures were more comfortable than those worn by George Washington, it’s unsavory origins didn’t sit well with the toothless upper class. 

They would eventually rot, turn brown and become rancid. Worse - people would be infected by contagious diseases such as syphilis from these things. Rich people at this time preferred teeth made of silver, gold, mother of  pearl or agate.

The battle of Waterloo in 1815 which resulted in 50,000 dead, created a bonanza for the scavenging ghouls beyond the usual money, rings and other personal items they would rob from the dead and dying left on the battlefield.

Using pliers, they were able to extract innumerable” hogs heads” (54 gallon brewery barrels) of healthy teeth from the mostly young soldiers which were shipped primarily to dentists in England anxious for a new source of quality teeth for dentures.

Previously they had been relying on more nefarious sources such as the bodies of condemned criminals, deceased from hospitals, paupers from morgues and even grave robbers. The best teeth being from the poverty stricken who would sell a live tooth for today’s equivalent of $70.

Dentures of better quality Waterloo Teeth became the prized cosmetic dental fashion item for many dandys and fashionistas. This continued into the 1860’s wherein battlefield teeth were again harvested during the American Civil War and shipped to Europe for sale.

Oil, autos, tires, rubber vulcanization, plastics and later acrylics are all linked to the invention of the modern denture.