Wednesday, October 28, 2015

A Special Child- When Autism is not Autism - By Parent of Autistic Boys - Dr. Cristina Terrado MD

When he was barely two years old, Eman my second son with autism could barely utter a complete sentence. He woke one morning while i was folding clothes in bed, pointed a finger at me, and said "Mommy I am gonna take care of you".  I smiled in my mind and wondered what movie or tv show he heard that on.

The kid could talk so i was never worried. I concentrated on Mardave, my first son who was diagnosed with autism sapectruc disorder when he was two years four months. He had every therapy he needed and given what possible treatment there could be to help him cope. In reality it was to help his mom cope from the frustration of having a kid unable to express himself contrary to his mom who was audaciously verbal.

I took Eman to the same developmental pediatrician who diagnosed Mardave when he was five. Was assured he had no autism, but had despite the fact that he can talk, had speech delay. Was advised speech therapy. But then again the good doctor in me just made do with conversations and school.
Fast forward to second grade when he was nine. His teachers told me he cannot sit still in class. Yet when asked any question he can answer them correctly. I was assured he would outgrow it.

Fast forward to third grade when he was nine. He started hitting classmates for simple or no reason like having a paper taken from him, or not happy with things said to him. In one day he hit nine kids.

He kicked a male teacher in the shin once. He banged a classmate's head on the concrete floor and it scared me. Not for him but for the kid. I agreed to pay for the ct scan and medical expense for the kid.

That same Saturday i took him to another developmental pediatrician and he was diagnosed with pervasive developmental disorder, not otherwise classified(PDD NOS) with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd). Strike two for autism spectrum disorder for me. He was advised occupational therapy and special education.

School requested medication for him since the principal the, told me they have no capability to manage his behavior. He was suspended for a week and threatened expulsion. I refused medication for him. I was afraid it would change the special kid in him.

He has gone a long way from the screaming, crying and hitting kid today.

He loves to bake and like any kid loves to lick the bowl the moment the butter was creamed with the sugar. He would spoon the brownie or cookie mix into his mouth with abandon.

He loves stars wars and would talk no end about Star Wars with Mom.

He still goes back to Woody and Buzz of the movie Toy Story.

Was talking to his special ed teachers the other day and they told me he was an intelligent kid. Intelligent yet labeled. He refused to be called a child with autism.

Fourth grade, he was out of sped. He was off the shadow teacher and was behaving within the range of normal behavior for his age.

For some children - a heavy dose of love and attention works best. I hope my experiences help some out there.

Bless all,

Dr. Cristine Terrado

Dr. Cristine Terrado MD is a retired Philippine National Health Service Hospital doctor and mother of 2 autistic children. She is enjoying a 2nd career as a medical and dental patient adviser for Certified Dentists Internationale' -ed

She welcomes your questions, comments and suggestions.


For Free Estimates and referrals to Board Certified Dentists in Mexico & Asia   

Only the Rich Can Afford Dental Care in the US - The New York Times on Affordable Dentistry

NY Times article by Reed Abelson
Reposted by Certified Dentists Internationale’

Dental care in the US is increasingly becoming something that only the upscale segment of society can afford causing many to leave the US on “Dental Vacations” to Mexico and Asia to find affordable dental care. -ed

With dental costs rising and employers cutting dental coverage, an increasing number of working Americans cannot afford to see a dentist even for chronic problems. If you need a full-mouth restoration, several root canals, 27 crowns or dental implants - most dental insurance won’t cover you.

During the Iraq war, some reservists and Guard members chose to have their teeth pulled so that they could be deployed, said Maj. Gen. Robert A. McIntosh, in testimony before Congress.

"Although promised restorative dental work, their reward for their loyalty and patriotism will be dentures," he said. Dental implants, a better alternative to dentures, are not covered because they are more expensive.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


The G-virus has become one of the biggest causes of accidents and death today in just a short decade - 

By Doctor Cristina Terrado MD

Our wonderful hand-held gadgets entertain, inform, and allow us to communicate.  But more and more our lives are increasingly ruled by these gadgets. And it should be the other way around. 

Humanity is becoming mentally and physically handicapped as a result. The most obvious is the near physical loss of the use of one hand.  And socially, many lose important human interaction due to their obsession with the gadget.

Dining out on a recent night out with my friends, a couple nearby obviously on a date were both so busy with their gadgets that I joked to my friend - they must be texting each other, or worse - texting another boyfriend or girlfriend. 

Out of fear for my life, I had to get off a bus because the driver refused to stop texting. I was exasperated when he tried to reason out that it was important despite the fact that he couldn’t stop texting for several miles. I hope he had lots of liability insurance. Unfortunately, we all know people who text and answer their cell phone while behind the steering wheel.  

Recent studies have shown the majority of road accidents in the Philippines are now due to texting while driving.  American Insurance industry stats show that for the first time accidents caused by texting drivers exceeds that of drunk drivers in the US. I suppose it’s now the case everywhere on this gadget covered planet. A planet we now share with millions of gadgets, robots and drones. 

Every day one reads of people falling off cliffs while taking selfies and stepping in front of cars, trucks and even trains while gadgeting. Worse - truck drivers, train engineers and pilots have been observed gadgeting when on the job. In the “sure sign from heaven" department there was the young woman in San Diego California who stepped into a hole full of snakes while gadgeting. 

Gadgets do overheat, batteries explode, bedrooms and houses burn down, people get serious burns and scientists suspect the potential of brain damage caused by the holding of cel phones next to our heads over the long term. 

The only damage caused by the old rotary dial phones I grew up with was to our heads if someone was mad enough to clonk you with one. Those phones were virtually indestructible and were built to last a lifetime. 

The G-virus has hit the home front too. Teens and adults now do housework with one hand while the other hand holds a gadget. If Darwin was right - in a million years humanity will have one arm longer than the other and one hand will be quite different from the other.  Perhaps as different as a tentacle and a claw.

Friday, October 2, 2015


ASIA DENTAL HOLIDAYS - How to have a great Thai or Philippines Dental Vacation!

Thailand and Philippines Dental Travel Checklist
By  David Mandich for Certified Dentists Internationale’

If your Sydney cosmetic dentist or Los Angeles dental implant specialist is over-the-top on prices - consider a dental holiday in Asia. 

Bangkok and Manila dentist prices are even less than dental prices in Mexico! Same materials, same equipment and many dentists in Asia have Western education and/or clinic practice in the West.

Below is the Board Certified Asia Dentist Association’s tips for dental tourists considering a dental holiday in Asia.

1. Get a price quote before taking off on an your dental holiday. Email a copy of your home dentist’s treatment plan, x-rays or panoramic x-ray to the dentist in Asia. Many dentists will give online estimates subject to a clinical exam.

Take digital pictures of your teeth. They are almost as good as an in-the-chair exam. If none of the foregoing items are possible - don’t worry, x-rays and panos are inexpensive in Asia. Panoramics for dental implants are only around $24-40usd in Asia vs. $150 -250 in the USA & Canada. Same equipment.

2. Get an idea of  how many crowns, bridges, dental implants. you will need and list it all in the clinic’s online Contact Form. Be sure to note health issues the dentist in Asia should be made aware of.

3. Choose a certified dentist in Asia qualified to do the type of procedure(s) you are seeking. You will be assured of the best results from a board certified dentist rather than a less-skilled general dentist in Asia.

4. Discuss your payment options with the dentist. Credit cards are accepted in most places, but often subject to bank and credit card add-ons. American Express Travelers checks work in some countries but not others. 

Important tip: Advise your credit card company you will be going overseas

If bringing cash - be sure to check with customs bureaus of your countries of departure and destination before getting on the plane. In many countries undeclared large amounts of cash will be confiscated. (Oh Yes!) Ex. $10,000us (per person or per family) is the magic number for declaring cash to customs in the US and Mexico.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

How To Find The Best Dental Tourism Places, Prices and Dentists by Certified Dentists Internationale'

Dental tourism Phil girl, white dress, hat, beach.jpg

Now you can find the best dental tourism places, and top board certified dentists with the best prices with Certified Dentists Internationale’

Summary:  Certified Dentists Internationale’ offers Board Certified dentist referrals, free estimates, dental vacation information and more.

Going offshore or crossing the border to see a new dentist can be an intimidating thing for many first time dental tourism patients. Despite the fact that one can literally save $1,000’s on their major dental work abroad. 50 to 70% savings is often the case.

Board Certified Dentists Internationale’ offers those considering a dental vacation  free services that goes a long way to eliminating one’s dental travel angst. 

Among the services provided are:

  • Free consultations with board certified dentists  trained for the dental treatments most dental tourism patients want from cosmetic dentistry, crowns, veneers, and dental implants to oral restoration and surgery -  either online, Skype or by telephone.
  • Board Certified Dentists in the best dental tourism places such as Cabo, Cancun, Puerto Vallarta, Manila, Bangkok, New Delhi and others.
  • Board certified dentists for those who want the very best i.e. senior certified dentists, Presidents or Directors of dental association’s, award winners, dental college professors, hospital maxillofacial department chiefs etc.
  • 24/7 Personal service from patient advisers who will be with you every step of the way.
  • English as a first or 2nd language by all patient advisers and dentists.
  • Top quality materials and brands such as dental implants by Nobel Biocare
  • International standards of sterilization, hygiene, sanitation and hazardous waste disposal
  • Dental vacation information and assistance

Board Certified Dentists Internationale’ along with the Mexican, UK, Australian & American Dental Associations recommend that dental tourism patients always use the services of a Board Certified Dentist when traveling abroad for advanced dental procedures.

Certified Dentists Internationale’ Patient Adviser Dr. Cristina Terrado notes “There is little money saved when you have to pay to have dental work redone by a certified dentist because of shoddy work by a non-certified dentist who was learning complicated dentistry at your expense.

Board Certification is a foreign patient’s only real guarantee that their dental tourism dentist will be up to international standards with the work made right and right the first time.

Dental patients considering dental tourism can contact Board Certified Dentists Internationale’ for free consultations, estimates, referrals and dental vacation information.

Or Contact Patient Adviser Dr. Cristina Terrado at:

Tags: dental tourism, dental vacation, certified dentists, Philippines dentist, Manila dentist, Manila cosmetic dentist, Manila dental implants, certified Manila dentist, certified dentists in Mexico, Mexico cosmetic dentist, Asia dental, dental travel, dental implants, veneers, cosmetic dentistry, dental holidays, oral surgery, mexico dental implant, oral restoration

Monday, September 21, 2015

THE MOST POPULAR MEXICO DENTAL TOURISM PLACES & TREATMENTS by the Board Certified Mexico Dentist Association.

MEXICO IS THE MOST POPULAR DENTAL TOURISM & VACATION DESTINATION IN THE WORLD - This article explores the best Mexican dental vacation places, procedures & prices

Photo: A Pacific Ocean sunset in popular dental vacation destination Puerto Vallarta 


     The vast majority of dental patients from the USA day-trip to Mexico border towns like Tijuana or Los Algodones for quick and affordable dentistry saving hundreds and often a couple of thousand dollars on procedures like crowns or a dental implant. 

Lets talk about Tijuana for a moment. Mexico's 2nd largest city is located downhill from 20 million Southern Californians  just across the border from San Diego. Thousand of patients from the US have visited Tijuana annually for the past 60 years or more. 

There are 2nd generation Tijuana dentists with 3rd generation dentists on the way with up to 95% of their patients being Americans with a sprinkling of Canadians who couldn't (or refused) to pay the extra $100 to continue flying to Cabo or Puerto Vallarta.

Patients who have extensive dental work to be done – oral restorations, cosmetic dental makeovers etc. which can easily take 1 to 2 weeks to complete often fly to see dentists in Cabo San Lucas, Puerto Vallarta or Cancun where they can enjoy a world-class dental vacation. 

There are days between dental appointments which one can enjoy doing all the fun activities these places are famous for. Like staying in fabulous hotels, great dining, golf on ocean courses, dolphin shows, sports fishing and being towed by a speedboat 600' in the air hanging on to a parachute. 

The most popular Mexican dental VACATION destinations are the aforementioned Cabo San Lucas, Cancun, Puerto Vallarta and Tijuana (stay and play in San Diego).  The most popular dental TRAVEL destination is a toss-up between Tijuana and Los Algodones south of Yuma Arizona.

The dusty little border town of Los Algodones across the border from Yuma is not the kind of place one would call a dental vacation destination. But it has received a lot of media in the US press for being a "Mecca" for low-cost dentistry – but all Mexico qualifies for that title. One would guess the writers of never having been 50 kms. south of the border let alone to Cabo, Cancun or Puerto Vallarta.

Photo: Los Algodones - Many dental clinics are located in what were once cantinas and brothels not too many years ago.  Today men dressed in scrubs hawk dental clinics on street corners instead of happy hour in the bars.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

DENTAL IMPLANTS FOR THE CLUELESS - Procedures, Prices, Options, Best Dentists for the job -

Clueless about dental implants, mini implants or 4 on 1? You are not alone.

Dr. Cristina Terrado of Certified Dentists Internationale’  writes about dental implants, procedures, dental implant prices & quality comparing US, Mexico & Asia dentists.

First, Implant surgery is done in a dental clinic. But not by just any dentist.. A specialist dentist usually an orthodontist, oral surgeon or prosthodontist are licensed to perform this procedure. Now practice saying orthodontist and prosthodontist so you can say those words clearly - not like when your gums and tongue are full of novacaine.

Most know the orthodontist as the dentist who sets braces. A prosthodontist is not as commonly known. This specialist treats a variety of oral issues including cosmetic, maxillofacial, replacement of missing teeth and temporomandibular(tmj) disorder (try to say that one!). They all have to study 3-4 more years beyond basic dental college.

The best dental implants are made of aircraft quality titanium metal screws, an abutment and porcelain or ceramic crown. The finished result will look like and can function like real teeth. You can go back to eating apples, carrots, steaks and more with your implants. But to preserve your investment - treat them as they were your natural teeth - don’t crush ice, crack nuts or open bottle caps with them.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

WE BOUGHT DENTURES FROM THE DEAD! Dark secrets your dentist won't tell you. By Dr. Christina Terrado

The story of dentures and dental implants is not for the delicate..

Here's the unsavory origins those awful contraptions called dentures, the miracle of dental implants, and mini implants.

Ever wonder who invented dentures? The pre-Roman Etruscans of Northern Italy made dentures out of human or animal teeth. George Washington, one of the more famous denture wearers wore one made of hippopotamus ivory implanted in a wooden prosthesis. These first dentures were very uncomfortable and disfigured his face.

The popularity of the use of sugar in the 18 and 19th century created a rise in the number of dentists. And the demand for replacement of the public's rotten teeth. Animal teeth tended to discolor some turning yellow or brown, others blue and would rot over time.

Waterloo teeth were teeth snatched from dead soldiers from the  Napoleonic, Crimean and American Civil Wars. Although these dentures were more comfortable than those worn by George Washington, it’s unsavory origins didn’t sit well with the toothless upper class. 

They would eventually rot, turn brown and become rancid. Worse - people would be infected by contagious diseases such as syphilis from these things. Rich people at this time preferred teeth made of silver, gold, mother of  pearl or agate.

The battle of Waterloo in 1815 which resulted in 50,000 dead, created a bonanza for the scavenging ghouls beyond the usual money, rings and other personal items they would rob from the dead and dying left on the battlefield.

Using pliers, they were able to extract innumerable” hogs heads” (54 gallon brewery barrels) of healthy teeth from the mostly young soldiers which were shipped primarily to dentists in England anxious for a new source of quality teeth for dentures.

Previously they had been relying on more nefarious sources such as the bodies of condemned criminals, deceased from hospitals, paupers from morgues and even grave robbers. The best teeth being from the poverty stricken who would sell a live tooth for today’s equivalent of $70.

Dentures of better quality Waterloo Teeth became the prized cosmetic dental fashion item for many dandys and fashionistas. This continued into the 1860’s wherein battlefield teeth were again harvested during the American Civil War and shipped to Europe for sale.

Oil, autos, tires, rubber vulcanization, plastics and later acrylics are all linked to the invention of the modern denture.  

Monday, August 10, 2015

REVIEW OF LOS ALGODONES DENTAL CLINICS - From Cantinas to Cavities. Isn't there some other place? KPBS Radio News

Los Algodones Dentists Offer Cheap Dentistry in Mexico 

Reposted from KPBS Radio News

 LOS ALGODONES, MEXICO — The first time Mike Negle walked across the U.S.-Mexico border to Los Algodones, near Yuma, Arizona, he was instantly surrounded by salesmen who screamed they had the best deal, the best offer or the best price. They reminded Negle of hawkers in open markets in the U.S. who sold tomatoes or knock-off designer sunglasses. But these men weren’t selling tomatoes or sunglasses.

The sidewalk hawkers were selling root canals..
“There’s a guy standing right at the gate by the border,” Negle explained. “He says, ‘I got good dentistry, come with me,’ and he’ll actually walk you over to the dentist and then they’ll give you an estimate."
"And then when you walk out of that door, someone else will grab you up and take you to another dentist down the road, and then maybe they’ll knock 20 bucks off, maybe beat the price by some,” he said.
Tomato markets aside, Negle wasn’t used to doing business like this. Like most Americans, he’d always chosen his doctors and dentists not because of cost, but because of coverage — as in, did his insurance plan cover a provider or not?
Negle drives tractor-trailers. He has since 1984. Over the years, he admits to eating a lot of roadside food and not making a lot of trips to the dentist. So by the time he went to see his dentist in Fargo, North Dakota, he was told it would take $20,000 to quell his many toothaches. Instead, Negle looked for other options.
“Know where to find a good dentist in Mexico?” he asked someone he met on the road.
“Yes. Go to Los Algodones,” she said.
Which he did. Negle made eight trips in six months for a total of four root canals, four crowns, five fillings, a teeth cleaning, a deep cleaning, and laser whitening. He’s not done. Soon, he’ll also get two new implants and a permanent bridge.
This was going to cost $20,000 in the United States. In Mexico, it cost him $5,800.

The reasons for this incredible discrepancy in price are many: It is cheaper to live in Mexico. Mexican dentists don’t have to buy malpractice insurance and they generally don’t have to track down reimbursements from insurance companies. 

Essentially, the market sets the bottom line. Which means that along the border, it is a constant race to the bottom to lower and lower prices. 

LOS ALGODONES DENTIST REVIEWS & FORUM 2015-16 by Dental Tourism News Today.

Los Algodones dentist prices, quality and alternatives 

Read what patients say about dentists in Los Algodones and Mexico dental tourism from Certified Doctors & Dentists Internationale'


The following Los Algodones dentist reviews were submitted to Certified Doctors & Dentists Internationale during 2015-16.  

1.    From Steve S.

My wife and I have been going to Los Algodones for 12 years. Used to live in So. Cal and had a getaway place in AZ. Everybody we met in AZ went to Algodones. We have had major work done and have saved thousands. Never had a problem. Now we live in Hawaii and it is STILL cheaper to go to Algodones. 

In June I needed work that in Hawaii or California (prices about the same) would have been about $16,000. We flew to CA, rented a car, visited friends and had the work done by our dentist in Algodones. Dental work: $2600; flight (for both of us): $900; rental car: $500. Savings: $12,000.

When the snowbirds are down south, approximately 10-15,000 of them cross over for dental work. One time we had to go in the Winter (for a root canal) and it took us 2 1/2 hours to get back across the border. The line was blocks long. In the summer there is no line to get back.”

Cabo and Puerto Vallarta dentists report seeing patients from Hawaii, Maine, Alaska and Florida and everywhere in between.  And from one end of Canada to the other.  Los Algodones draws patients primarily from the Southwest and Midwest. And dental prices everywhere in Mexico are about the same with Cancun and Cabo being about 5-10% higher than the others due to the higher cost of living in a resort town. Tijuana/San Diego dentists are priced comparable to Los Algos dentists.  -ed

2.    Mad Mike

Absolutely NOTHING on this earth has skyrocketed more than the price of basic dental care in the US in the past 35 years. A filling that cost $20 35 years ago--now it it is 10x that amount (or more). I had a crown that cost $65 (and I still have it) back then. Now it is $2000.

WAGES have certainly NOT gone up that much in 35 years. Ridiculous. This is fast becoming a country where only the very rich will be able to afford basic dental care (and dental insurance usually only pays about a third of the cost). Just pure greed. You can't do it yourself, so they just (expletive deleted) you.

LOS ALGODONES, Mexican Dental Tourism Mecca (AP)

 By A. Galvin
LOS ALGODONES, Mexico (AP) — Mark Bolzern traveled 3,700 miles to go to the dentist. The 56-year-old Anchorage, Alaska, native left home this spring, made a pit stop in Las Vegas to pick up a friend, and kept heading south, all the way to Los Algodones, Mexico, a small border town teeming with dental offices.
About 60 percent of Americans have dental insurance coverage, the highest it has been in decades. But even so, the nation's older population has been largely left behind. Nearly 70 percent of seniors are not insured, according to a study compiled by Oral Health America.
A major reason is because dental care is not covered by Medicare and many employers no longer offer post-retirement health benefits. What's more, the Affordable Care Act allows enrollees to get dental coverage only if they purchase general health coverage first, which many seniors don't need. At the same time, seniors often require the most costly dental work, like crowns, implants and false teeth.
As a result, many are seeking cheaper care in places like Los Algodones, Tijuana & Puerto Vallarta where Mexican dentists who speak English offer lower prices for everything from a cleaning to implants. Dentists in Los Algodones say a large portion of their clients are seniors.
In the desert outpost near the border of California and Arizona, men in white shirts stand outside of offices with signs advertising root canals and teeth cleanings.
For Bolzern, seeing a dentist in Los Algodones meant a savings of up to $62,000. He was told the extensive dental work he needed — his teeth needed to be raised and he needed a crown on every molar — would cost $65,000 at a private dentist. He looked for lower rates, finding a dental school where the work was less expensive because it was performed by students. But it still cost $35,000.
He paid $3,000 in Mexico and has been back several times.

Friday, August 7, 2015

PANORAMIC X-RAY - What is it and how much? My dental implant dentist said I need one..

My dentist said to get a pano..  A what?   
(It's not some kind of Italian bread or pantyhose)

Article by Medical & Dental Tourism writer David Mandich 

Don’t panic over a pano. This strange new (since 1985) x-ray is commonly used by dental specialists for evaluating a patient’s oral condition before deciding on procedures. 
If you are thinking about having serious dentistry such as dental implants or a dental makeover – and you are want to go abroad to see a dentist in Mexico or someplace  exotic in Asia – your specialist dentist may request a panoramic x-ray. 

Panoramic radiograph x-rays show an ear to ear 180 degree view of the patient’s jaws and all the teeth as well as much of the head and neck anatomy.

The machine used is different than the standard x-ray unit as the patient generally stands while the x-ray unit travels on a semi-circular track around the patient’s head.

A pano will show in greater detail impacted wisdom teeth, bone loss, often sources of dental pain caused by tmj (temporomandibular) disorder, oral trauma and orthodontic assessments necessary for oral surgery.

The image quality is vastly superior to conventional film-based systems and of great importance to oral surgeons and maxillofacial specialists in assessing a patient’s suitability for conventional, mini dental implants, or other procedures. 

Cone 3D Technology is a new advancement to digital pano devices.

The panoramic apparatus slowly rotates 180 degrees around the patient's head taking the x-ray

Get a pano from a specialist at home in advance or have one made in your dental vacation destination (assuming you are not going to Timbuktu). The costs will range from $150us to $300 in the US, Canada or Australia vs. $30 to $65 by a dentist in Manila or Puerto Vallarta Mexico using the same pano x-ray units.

It doesn't matter whether you have your pano made in New York, Cabo or Manila. 
It's simply a matter of cost and convenience.

  • What does matter is having the assessment for implants or other surgeries and the eventual dentistry performed by a board certified dentist.
  • In many developing nations - (Mexico, Thailand etc.) General dentists untrained and un-certified for anything other than drilling and filling teeth are permitted to attempt advanced dentistry learning as they go at your expense (read that line again).
  • The pano will help the dentist to determine if you will be a suitable candidate for implants or not.

Dental Tourism: Your best option or a successful dental vacation is to have a consultation and pano made back home and sent to a board certified dentist in Mexico, Asia or elsewhere for their opinion and estimate. Then compare the two.

If  you have already decided to head for Puerto Vallarta or Tijuana/San Diego for your denture adventure and want to save $2-300 on the consultation and pano at home - just wing it to your preferred dental travel destination and  have the pano and consultation there.

All on 4 prosthesis - can use mini or conventional (longer) implants.

·  With a pano to study the dentist can often recommend several options for you including conventional dental implants, mini implants, One-Day, 4 in 1, implant secured dentures, traditional dentures and others. 

A complete exam for determining your suitability for maxillofacial or dental implant surgery includes includes the panoramic x-ray, an in-chair examination where the doctor will check your gum health, bone density, sinus capacity, movability of your teeth and a general health assessment.

Not everyone is a candidate for dental implants - advanced age, heavy smoking, diabetes and other issues are mitigating factors.  Your specialist dentist will be able to recommend the best solution to your needs reviewing the pano and completing a clinical (in-chair) exam. 

For Board Certified Dentists in Mexico and Asia for advanced dental procedures such as oral surgery, full-mouth oral restorations, cosmetic dentistry, dental implants visit Certified Dentists Internationale' for free estimates and referrals to dentists in the most popular dental vacation destinations.

Author David Mandich writes about dental tourism for Board Certified Dentists Internationale'
Contact him if you have any questions about dental tourism in Mexico or Asia. 

Dental Tourism News Today

Copyright all Rights Rerserved - Todos los derechos reservados - Dental Tourism News Today. This article may be republished so long as all credit and links remain. 

Tags: panoramic xray, pano, x-ray, dental xray, panoramic xray cost, dental vacation,mexico dental vacation,mexico  dental tourism, david mandich cabo writer, david r. mandich, dental travel, best dental tourism  prices,dental implants in mexico, 4 on 1, puerto vallarta dentist, cabo dentist, certiied dentists internationale,david mandich, david r mandich cabo writer, board certified mexico dentists, asia  dentist,dentist in manila,bangkok,australia dentist,australia dental tourism,sydney dental implant,tijuana dental implant, cabo dental implant, puerto vallarta dental implant,dental makeover, oral restoration,cosmetic dentist mexico,manila dental implant